Market Design

Develop Your Customer Portfolio with Market Design
Markets that meet the needs of people for various products have an important place in the daily lives of individuals. The markets, which used to sell only food products, now offer a wider range of services to their customers with non-food products. In today’s world, which is known as the age of competition, innovations are needed to differentiate from other markets and to be the reason for customers’ preference.
There are a lot of innovation activities that markets apply for this purpose. Market design is also very important at this point. Markets designed by market owners according to their own taste in the traditional period are designed more professionally today.
The successful design of the market leads to the expansion of the customer base and, accordingly, to the increase in sales figures. Market design is no longer just market design; It has become a symbol representing the attractiveness and quality of the market.
What Should Be Considered in Market Design?
In order to achieve the desired result from the market design, some points need to be considered. At this point, first of all, it is important to know the target audience. It is necessary to know the designs that people like and to apply the design ideas that are highly attractive.
In addition, the psychological structure and reactions of the people should not be ignored. Knowing which impulses are activated in individuals when they encounter different colors can be an example of this situation. Even the choice of color has a huge impact on people’s behavior and market choices. In addition, factors such as balance, rhythm, movement, harmony and contrast, which are accepted as the basic principles of design, should not be overlooked.
Correct Lighting is Important
Another important point in market design is lighting. The use of light has an important place in increasing the attractiveness of the market. It should be emphasized that the lighting should not be tiring on the eyes and carry an aesthetic side, as well as choosing an economical system in order not to increase electricity costs.
Shelf selection and placement of shelves is perhaps one of the most sensitive points in market design. Customers generally spend more time in comfortable and spacious markets. Even when the market area is limited, it is possible to provide a feeling of spaciousness with design moves. Sometimes decorative accessories can be used to make the stores look more eye-catching. However, it is necessary to be moderate in the use of accessories and not to use exaggerated things.
Sectoral Design Matters
One of the important points to focus on in market design is that the design to be made is suitable for the sector. A design idea that looks very good in the textile sector may not be as aesthetic for the markets. In some cases, it can even have a repulsive effect. In order not to encounter such situations, the dynamics of the sector should be taken into account in the design to be made. However, it should not be interpreted as copying designs belonging to different brands.
Originality in design comes before all of the mentioned points. In addition to having the possibility of causing a series of legal problems, non-original designs may also create negative effects on competition. Finally, it should be said that following innovative approaches is also valuable in terms of market design. In the rapidly developing world, innovative approaches are constantly emerging in market designs, as in everything else. Following new and innovative trends offers great opportunities both to attract the attention of customers and to differentiate from competitors.
Become the Favorite of the Neighborhood with Professional Design Services
The points mentioned above are only a small part of what needs to be considered for market design. Today, it is accepted by most market operators that market design is not a job that can be done haphazardly as it was in previous periods. At this point, the importance of getting professional design service emerges. You can get professional support for design from Edita Architecture. Edita Architecture, which has branded and expert names in its field, offers design services that will increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Since the market design process is a one-time process, effort must be made to reach the most perfection. When the negative image that a bad design will create on the target audience is compared with the benefits of an expert design, it becomes clear which side should be chosen. It is known that design is an effective factor in the promotion of newly opened markets, especially in the district or region. In addition to the newly opened markets, markets that want to change the concept or renew the design also apply to the market design.